Mediums metal, fabric, paint
Studio Bakehouse Art Complex
Recent Show
Tanya Brillembourg Gallery
Gallery Tanya Brillembourg Gallery
Which artwork is the most personally meaningful to you?
This work is made from painted and woven palm fronds and references The Gate of the Sun and Stonehenge.

House A Home steel, palm fronds, paint 12' x 2' x 9' not available
Is there a piece that signifies a breakthrough for you?
This work is the beginning of my palm weaving series, which spawned many works and large installation

Headdress palm fronds, paint 6' x 6' not available
Is there an artwork you’ve made that surprised you?
The labor and ingenuity that went into this piece back when I was still in school still surprises me

Pidgin sabal palm, fabrics dimensions variable available for purchase
Which of your artworks reminds you of your youth or where you’re from?
This reminds me of my youth because of the seafoam green and pinks. My dad always painted our homes those colors because he liked their use on the Miami Vice logo.

Camo 1984 palm fibers, paint 12 x 6' available for purchase
How did you use materials to communicate your ideas?
The weaving relates to my grandmothers trade as a reweaver.

Reweaving by Alicia palm fronds, paint 12' x 3' not available
What is a technically complex attribute in your practice which is sometimes overlooked?
The compound curves and handmade rope are technically challenging and require a great deal of experimentation

Kinship 6'x 3' steel, rope available for purchase
Which artwork makes you the most proud?
Right now I'm most proud of this piece because of the level of technical skill I achieved to bend metal to create these forms

Their Teeth Steel, rope 5' x 3' available for purchase