The BluPrnt by Robert Chambers | Bridge Red

The BluPrnt by Robert Chambers | Bridge RedBridge Red Art Studios, 12425 NE 13th Ave, North Miami, FL 3316120NOVAll Day05FEB


(Sunday November 20th, 2022) - (Sunday February 5th, 2023) (All Day)(GMT-05:00)


show, performance, poetry, activations + experimental sound works

“I wanted to fill a food truck with a dozen of Miami’s hottest emerging artists,” Chambers explained. “I’d have a stunt driver race the truck at full speed onto the beach, and then flip it over on its side, so the artists and all their work spill out the back onto the sand.” The curator’s reaction? “He said his insurance carrier might have an issue or two,” Chambers said with just a hint of wryness.” 
Fortunately for both the invited artists and Bridge Red, the artist-run exhibition space where Chambers’s idea eventually landed, his revised project was decidedly safer while still demonstrating, as Chambers noted, “that there’s as strong an art movement in Miami as there is in L.A. or New York City.”

– NY Times

Participating Artists

Artists-  Ric’Kisha Taylor, Juan Ledesma, Brian Reedy, Nadyia Duff, Yaddyra Peralta, Pablo Cano, Margarita Cano, Eleanora S. Chambers, Robert McKnight, Chris Friday, Derrick Adams, Purvis Young, Carington Ware, Zoe Schweiger, Onajide , Avi Young, Roscoè B. Thické III, David Correa, Nadia Wolff, Tom Virgin, Pedro Vizcaino, Danny Maya, Alberto Checa, Cornelius Tulloch, Mark Fleuridor, Lynne Golub Gelfman, Devora Perez, Diego Gabaldon, Pat Oleson, Amanda Bradley, Rhea Leonard, Nick Gilmore, Chire Regans, Arsimmer, Pip Brandt, Duane Brandt, Loni Johnson, Diana Eusebio, Sterling Rook, Mette Tommerup, Tao Rey, Julio Garcia, Carlos Soto, Robert Thiele, Campbell McGrath, Jackson McGrath, John William Bailly, Kristen Thiele, hoxxoh, Hest, 5gallons, Justin Long, Martin Oppel, Bhakti Bakter, Tao Rey, Kevin Christie, Alejandra Jimenez, Vü H. Khánh-Nguyên, Juan Ledesma, Cynthia Cruz, Lisa Leone, George Sanchez-Calderon, Josh Levine, Javi Cuarezma, + Daniel Almeid.

Masks Off, Wallets Out: Art Basel 2022 art exhibition review in NY times
