FROST ART MUSEUM | Draw | Rirkrit Tiravanija + Kiki Smith

FROST ART MUSEUM | Draw | Rirkrit Tiravanija + Kiki SmithFrost Art Museum, 10975 SW 17th St, Miami, FL 3319910JUNAll Day17SEP


(Saturday June 10th, 2023) - (Sunday September 17th, 2023) (All Day)(GMT-05:00)


Draw: Point to Point explores, celebrates, and disrupts the perception of drawing as a form of artistic expression. With an emphasis on material relations, subconscious thought, and power of scale, the works selected offer interpretations that both refine and deviate from conventions of mark making.

The Frost Art Museum’s iteration of DRAW is the sixth presentation of the curatorial project initiated by Tomas Vu, visual artist, professor, and artistic director at the LeRoy Neiman Center for Print Studies at Columbia University. Point to Point illustrates connections between the work of local, out of state, and international artists at various stages of their careers. It features an interactive installation by contemporary artist Rirkrit Tiravanija and new work by Kiki Smith. Miami-based artists will be engaged to share work that reveals their individual relationships to drawing as both an end, and a means to an end.

As part of exhibition programming, the Frost Art Museum will host workshops and activities that will engage community members of all age groups and backgrounds and encourage dialogue around drawing.
